Melissa Ruth

Committed to helping others fulfill their calling and find their purpose in life.

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Project Uncharted, Vikings of Faith, Change Hackers

Today I embraced a new title and experience – that of Radio Host.
Both were online. Both were dependent on technology working as we needed it to. As expected, we had some technical difficulties but we made it thru! It was a GREAT experience as my first radio show..
At one point, during the first show, Change Hackers, I began to wonder how we recover from the experience. My internet had lost the connection and then my phone connection was just not great. I seriously considered postponing the show but I knew two things:
1. There would be new problems next time.
2. The message I was there to share needed to be told. There were people out there who needed to hear it.
And so…we continued on. My guest, Jeff Wolfe, was a FANTASTIC guest, rolling with the challenges as they came and smiling the whole way through. If he was frustrated, he didn’t say a thing and he continued. Jeff took time out of his day at his company picnic to spend time sharing with us all about Project Uncharted – how it came to be, what it was and what it would become.
The second show, Vikings of Faith had different technical issues but we muddled our way through. Each show has a unique aspect to it. While Change Hackers focused on how we deal with change, Vikings of Faith focused on how we enable the warrior within us.
I said in both of my shows that I would update my website with how to contact Jeff.
You can contact him either at mailto:[email protected]or by phone at 770-378-1510.
His website are: and
Follow project uncharted on Instagram, twitter and facebook as well to get updates as they become available.
Jeff and I spoke during the second show about ways to pray for Jeff and Project Uncharted. You can see them below:
Pray for the Logistics
Stories to be selected
Stories to be told as God wants them to be shared
Stories will need video production in addition to other parts of the package
The right sponsors to sponsor the story development
Pray for Jeff
That he will respond correctly to God’s desire in the sharing of these stories
That he will always remember that the stories are not about him but about those sharing their stories and how God worked in their lives

Listen to Coach on Fire’s Change Hackers- Mastering Change in all areas of life! – Premier at #BlogTalkRadio #ChangeHacker #CoachOnFire

Listen to 108 Praise Radio Vikings of Faith – Tapping into the Warrior in you – Premier at  (show starts 15 minutes in) #VikingsOfFaith #108PraiseRadio

While these weren’t the best shows ever due to technical issues, it is my hope that you will enjoy the content that Jeff shared.  There will be two new shows coming in 2 weeks (guest still to be determined).

Join the following groups to stay up to date on the shows:

In the end, I suppose the best way to summarize this day is:

Please be patient with me.  God is not done with me yet. 🙂

Love Defined coming to Houston

If you are within driving distance of Houston, I would love it if you would consider joining us at this FREE conference at Spring Baptist Church – Klein campus. in Spring, TX.

Love Defined

This conference is for the single adult – no matter the age and the married couple – new or experienced.

The conference is a compilation of some of the best talks I’ve ever heard.

1. Have you ever wondered why some marriages make it and others don’t?

2.  Have you ever wondered just what IS the definition of love?

3.  Have you ever wondered why you struggle showing love to others like you want to?

4.  Or perhaps you just want to know the key to how to pray for your marriage.

There are so many other topics we will discuss at the conference so I hope you will join us there!

Check out the video below for more information:

p.s.  We are hoping to share this seminar at other churches in the area.  IF you are in the area and would like to arrange to have this conference at your church, contact us via email at [email protected]

FREE eBook!!!

I am pleased to announce that the eBook version of Renewing Your Viking is FREE for a limited time only!! 
Start reading it today! 
I cannot wait to read your reviews!

After you’ve read the eBook for free, consider picking up a couple of print copies for your friends and family.  It never hurts to work on your marriage.

For a limited time ONLY

Announcing: Renewing Your Viking

At least once a week, I meet a woman who is married and unhappy. When we start talking about my first book, “Choose Your Viking,” their eyes dart away and they say in this dreamy voice, “Oh I love that idea. I wish I had married a Viking….” Their voice trails off and they get this faraway look in their eyes as they think about all they would have done differently.

Renewing Your Viking is a journal that attempts to assist those wives in renewing their relationship with their Vikings.

Do you know someone who has struggled with their marriage?

Do you know someone who always complains about their husband?

Truth is, we all go through periods of our marriages where we wonder just what we’ve done to get stuck with “that man.”  We struggle to love that man because we find we really just don’t like them anymore.  Why is that?  Well, there are many reasons…the journal is here to remind you why you married him, to remind him why you married him and to renew your vows between each other as you continue to fight in the battles life brings your way.

Pick up Renewing Your Viking in paperback for yourself and a friend at:

Find it on at:


Renewing Your Viking

These past few weeks, I’ve been working on a little journal for married women.

The journal is presenting some technical issues prior to release but I’m so excited about it that I’m determined to work through those technical issues to get this journal released asap.

Why?  What is in this little journal that makes me so excited?

Nearly every week, I meet a woman who wishes she had married a Viking instead of the prince charming she thought she married.  I try to sit with each one of these women I meet and go through a process I’ve developed to help them find their love again but, so often, I just don’t get the option to walk them through this process completely.  In addition, I’ve learned that, while the process helps, they need to put the concepts into action in order for them to get the full effect.  Renewing Your Viking is a small journal which allows them to do just that…I’m so excited!



Recently, I had the opportunity to share more about Choose Your Viking and the concepts in it via a few media sources.  I am beyond honored to be asked to join these amazing media outlets to share about my book and future plans.

If you have visited here due to hearing me on one of those media sources, welcome!

If you are just now hearing about these interviews, feel free to listen to them by going to the following link:


Author in Business Book Tour





If money was not a barrier, I’d travel to every part of the world, sitting down with each of you to encourage and inspire you to see the world as an open book waiting for you to fill the pages.

If time was not a barrier, I’d  walk with you on your journey as your own personal cheerleader, cheering you on every step of the way.   I’d help you see the positive of the battle you are facing currently.  I’d help you to see you can get past this horrible tragedy. I’d walk with you day by day, framing your experiences of the day in a positive light.

If physics was not a barrier, I’d sit on your shoulder whispering God’s promises in your ear so you would never forget how much He loves you even when it feels like life is out to get you.

However, the truth is money, time and physics are all barriers to my desires.  This, however, doesn’t stop me from trying.  It is largely why I wrote Choose Your Viking and why I continue to write my books.  You see I cannot physically meet each of you or sit on your shoulder or spend personal time coaching each of you but I can write my books, put them out there and share them with you.

It is also why I am honored to be  part of the Author in Business Book Tour and am begging you to come.  It isn’t often that you can actually have personal time with authors who write their books.  This is an exclusive moment for you to listen to, speak with and be inspired by some amazing authors who feel the same way I do.  They want to invest in you!  So, what are you waiting for? Register today for the AIB book tour!  It’s tomorrow, January 14th at 3pm to the Microsoft store in the Houston Galleria mall.  Register at .  Space is limited to be sure to register immediately.

If you aren’t available but know people nearby, please feel free to share.

While you’re at it, let me know you are coming!  I want to be watching for you!

Post on my Facebook page, send me a tweet or Instagram comment!

p.s.  If you just want to buy my book, you can buy it by clicking on the following links:

or click below for the eBook:


Let me tell you a story…

Mary was sitting next to me on the plane. She was in her early 20s and excited about her destination. She began to share with me about her life. As she is sharing, she mentioned, “My boyfriend isn’t with me. He’s working in a factory and can’t see living in another country other than his own….” She continues as her voice takes on a more serious tone. She almost whispers, “I’m really not sure he’s “the one.” He just … Isn’t what I pictured.” Her voice trailed off as she absorbed what she had just said aloud.
Mary is just one of the reasons Choose Your Viking became a book. As I continued to speak with her, it became evident that even young girls who have grown up overseas have a tendency to set their expectations of a future husband so high, they never actually fully commit to a relationship.

She obviously had feelings for him and, as we spoke more throughout the 4 hour flight, I began to see her heart strings being tugged as she realized she missed him. 

I had been contemplating writing the book for years but it was at that moment, I kicked myself. I not only didn’t have the book to give her, I didn’t have the posture as a published author to share my heart completely. I hadn’t honed my message for clarity.

I continue to hone my message so that the message is clear and now I know that if I run into another Mary, I’ll not only have the book but I’ll have a strong message to share.

You may know a Mary who is struggling to find her way. If you do, I ask you to consider purchasing a book for her today. Today is the final day of this sale.  The eBook is on sale for just $2.99 and the paperback book is on sale for just $5.99. The price will go up again tomorrow to $9.99 for the eBook and $12.99 for the paperback. The links are below:



Choose Your Viking

Choose Your Viking and the series, “My Viking Is Not Your Prince Charming” has a dream.

It’s dream?  To ignite the people of today to be who they were called to be.  To stop waiting for life to show them what they are supposed to do, to stop waiting for the door to open and the red carpet to be rolled out, to grab hold of their destiny and start investing in their world.

You see, too often, we are taught to fit into a mold.  Yet, we do not realize that that mold is not for everyone.  Life is not just about going to school and getting a degree so you can make a living.  You are here on this earth for a purpose…to love others, to invest in others, to invent something that changes the world or to share a story that changes the lives of others.

Whatever your purpose, stop waiting for someone to show you the way and take the first step.

Don’t let your past define you.  Don’t let the unknown stop you.  Don’t let the world tell you why you are here.  Only you and God can determine that together (p.s.  He already knows).  Has he told you what your first step is?  Is there a dream within your heart you know you must fulfill?  What is the first step to fulfilling that dream?  What must you do today that cannot wait?  I know it is there.  You just have to look for it.

You were born for more than this.

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