Committed to helping others fulfill their calling and find their purpose in life.

Category: Change Hackers

MADE for Change!

Some time ago, a friend asked me to prepare a speech on adapting to change we didn’t want.

I had intended on presenting that speech at a TEDx style talk but that didn’t happen.

However, the response to my speech was unanimous – every single person who heard it exclaimed how much it helped them in THEIR moment and they did not even know they needed it.

This book, MADE for change, came from that speech.

Every single one of us is presented at some time with change we didn’t want.

We lose a job, we are transferred to a city we don’t like, we lose a spouse or a friend or a colleague, we are told our health is not the way we want it.

So many of these things can keep us down if we let it.  We might blame ourselves or others while sitting in the dark, waiting for the change we didn’t want to go away.

You may have heard it said, “When life gives us lemons, we need to learn to make lemonade.”  However, I want to encourage you that that lemonade does not have to be sour.  MADE for change will help you find the sweetener you need to make that lemonade not too sour and not too sweet.

Tonight, my first printed copies came in.  I recorded a video to share this moment with you:

Are you excited to read it?  There are many ways you can purchase MADE for Change!  You can purchase the ebook or the paperback here:

OR – for a limited time – you can purchase your very own autographed copy direct from me!

Go to this page to order:


Change Hackers Radio Show July 8, 1pm EST

Hello, Everyone!

It’s time to for the indelible Melissa Ruth‘s show, Change Hackers- Mastering Change in all areas of life! With special guest Leap Don’t Look, Regina Crayton, Saturday 8 July, 10 am PST on Coach on Fire Radio

In this episode:
1. If it’s your passion – monetize it
2. If you would do it for fun and make money at the same time – go for it
3. If you think about it just about 24/7- why not just do it?!

Connect with Regina:

Regina’s Free Offer:
LEAP, Don’t Look SPECIAL LIVE Stream registration FREE to the first 10 people to follow her on Instagram @gina_inspires_la AND comment “GINA Inspires LA with Coach on FIRE”

Listen Live –

Call in – 323 642 1156

Change Hackers with Melissa Ruth and Regina Crayton

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